After two (2 ) years of ditching processing my hair chemically, one might ask, so how is the journey so far?  First, let me break down the term “natural hair”. It’s hair that hasn’t been altered with chemicals which results in a straightening effect, ridding your hair of its natural curl pattern.  So far, there has definitely been some ups and downs.  On the up side, its very liberating, releasing myself from the chemical oppression and I cannot say am regretful.  On the down side, styling is very time consuming and requires tons and tons of patience, but I’ve stuck it out and will continue to do so.  I have learnt a lot along the way and one very most important aspect of it all is that, not every product works for every hair type. Ultimately, I found what works for my hair, and they became my staple products.  Besides my staple products I also incorporate Raw Coconut Oil, “As I Am” Coconut Co-wash, Leave In Conditioners and tons of different types of Shampoos and Extra Moisturizing Conditioners/Deep Conditioners into my hair care regimen.  My signature styles are two-strand twist out and a fro bun.  Outlined below are the steps used to achieve my two-strand twist out.

I shampoo my hair, using any shampoo of my choice [ as long as it smells heavenly, lol ].
After rinsing the shampoo, I add some moisturizing conditioner, loads of it as shampoo
tends to take a lot of moisture from your hair so to replenish that lost moisture, I double
up on my conditioner.  I then separate my hair into 6-7 big twist, rinsing the conditioner but
keeping the twist in place, then letting it air dry.  Before my hair is completely dry, I start with
one twist at a time, undoing the twist, adding oil, followed by the cream.

If am looking for a chunky twist out hairstyle then I let the twist remain in its original
size and quantities [6-7 twist].  However, if my desired style is to have more defined curls
then I would separate each twist into five or more, giving the look seen below:

My Staple Products:
– “As I Am” Doublebutter Cream
– Loreal Total Repair Nutra Oil

I religiously follow the L.O.C [ liquid, Oil, Cream ] method. So my routine is very simple. The liquid,
in this case would be water.  If its not wash day, then I use a bottle filled with water, spritz my
hair, following with my staple products, then twist [ before bed ].  Every two weeks I deep condition
to rejuvenate my hair, replacing lost moisture as the elements of the weather sometimes take a toll on these
tresses.  This style [ two-strand twist out ] usually last a good week and is easily maintained by
moisturizing and large re-twist here and there.  It actually makes my busy days so much easier.

Here’s my staple products, UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL!!!


As Always,




  1. Oh my goodness Keishaw, this sounds like a lot of work! I wish I could say I was as committed as you with my hairstyle… (I have no patience whatsoever!) But the results are great so obviously worth it! 🙂

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